Ever wondered what your neighborhood looks like from the sky? Or maybe you’re curious how airplanes work.
You may even dream about being a pilot.
If you’re nodding your head "yes" and are between the ages of 8 and 17, then there are thousands of EAA member volunteer pilots who would love to take you on a free Young Eagles flight.
That’s right - a free flight!
Our new Young Eagles Coordinator, Michelle Guardabascio, took office in Jan 2025. She will be announcing new YE events in the near future.
Watch this space for updates. Sign up must be in advance at this link:
So what’s a Young Eagles Flight like?
On the ground: Your pilot explains what will happen during the flight. This might include talking about the airplane, reviewing an aeronautical chart (or map), identifying reference points during the flight, completing a careful “walk around” preflight inspection of the airplane, and identifying the parts that control the airplane.
Just before take-off: Your pilot helps you buckle your seat belt and describes the interior of the airplane, including the instrument panel.
In the air: You have a whole new view of the earth and sky. And, if you want, your pilot may let you take the controls! The flight lasts between 15 and 20 minutes, but if you’re like most Young Eagles, you’ll remember this experience for the rest of your life.
Back on the ground: There’s more time for you to ask questions about the flight. And ask away! Your pilot is happy to tell you more about flying and their particular airplane. You also receive an official Young Eagles logbook, which is signed by your personal pilot, and your name is added to long list of Young Eagles in the World’s Largest Logbook.
Bet you can’t wait to set up your flight! Here’s how:
- Talk with your parents about this opportunity.
- Locate the Young Eagles Coordinator closest to you.
- Contact your local coordinator to schedule your flight.
- Take-off!