EAA Chapter 187, Dec 2022
Next meeting Sept. 14!!
We will hold an in-person EAA Chapter 187 Meeting Saturday, Sept. 14th at 10:00 am. BUT STAY TUNED--OUR REGULAR MEETING PLACE IN THE GTU TERMINAL MEETING ROOM IS STILL OCCUPIED!
We will send out an email announcement about where to meet.
Sorry about this, but the meeting room is occupied by Cutter Aviation until they get their offices restored. This is taking longer than planned.
David Meiners will not be able to speak or attend the meeting that day.
If you have photos from Airventure/Oshkosh, please bring some with you on a USB flash drive, and if there is time we'll have you show them. They don't have to be in Powerpoint. Please give a heads up to our officers at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
David Hayek, Board Member, Pres. Justin Jones, and Sec. Bill Elliott
Buz Landry Obituary
January 31, 1937 - July 9, 2024, age 87
Buz (not "Buzz") was known around town by many as "Mr. Georgetown". Many remember seeing Buz with his ever-present cowboy hat at the Saturday morning coffee group at the Georgetown Airport terminal. He had a long history with the airport and aviation.
See his obituary for more details. Buz will be missed.
Buz Landry obituary Buz Landry obit in Sunday SunBill Fluhr's Volksplane pictures and website at
Article about local Young Eagles
(August 2024 Cedar Park City Lifestyle)
Click to read about Young Eagles in the magazine
Cover photo: Johnny Sublett and Trevor at YE rally
EAA Chapter 187 Minutes and News
Bill Elliott, Secretary, July 13, 2024
Justin Jones opened the meeting at 10 am. We had 29 folks attending, including these 8 visitors: Marc Alexander, James Alwin, Chris Hamrick, Chris Handwerk, Marvin Hulshizer, Henry Koenig, Kirsten Swain, Ailer Swain, and Lenny Tropiano .
Lenny Tropiano and Marc Alexander joined the chapter after the meeting; they also are members of EAA Chapter 1607, Lake Travis, TX, Rusty Allen Airport, Lago Vista.
Justin showed us the nice Chapter 187 sign made by William & Dyan Bennett for this year’s Airventure at Oshkosh. Members signed the back of the sign.
Greg Stearman, chapter member who also is with Tango Flight, said they will soon move their RV project from Eastview High School to the new Future Ready Center just up Airport Road from GTU. We can contact Peter Dittmer, the technical teacher they are working with, about our chapter participating in aviation events at the school.
Dick Gossen gave a 32-minute presentation, “The Perils of Endeavor Bridge” about flying safely to Oshkosh. Endeavor Bridge is a waypoint and convergence point for planes going into OSH.
Bill Elliott and Justin Jones made a video of his talk, and Bill edited and posted it on our website at https://www.eaa187.org/index.php/videos Dick has some good stories about near collisions in the crowded queue arriving at OSH, and recommendations to avoid problems. Don’t arrive on Sunday afternoon!
Marc Alexander spoke for a few minutes about his “Fly, Walk, Eat” website. One can get discounts at some airports on the way to Oshkosh. Check it out at https://www.flywalkeat.com/
We then watched the monthly EAA Chapter video, given by President Jack Pelton.
We adjourned about 11:00 am.
Members may read the longer, official minutes in the Members Area of this website.
EAA Chapter 187, Minutes & News
GTU, June 8, 2024
Dan Nicoson spoke about his BD-4C project. There was joviality.
Pres. Justin Jones started the meeting at 10:01 am. Sec. Bill Elliott made these notes.
Justin called for guest introductions. 25 people attended including 5 visitors.
Young Eagles events for 4/6, 5/4, and 6/1 were cancelled due to weather. We will resume YE operations on October 5.
Keep an eye on the Georgetown Future Ready Learning Center, a large, attractive school ½ mi. N from GTU up Airport Road. We hope to get involved in educational events there. They are finishing the interior now.
The Devil Dog B-25 will be doing flights on Father’s Day weekend, June 16, at GTU.
We viewed the EAA chapter video by Charlie Becker.
Tom Paxson talked about going to Oshkosh/Airventure in July. Members told some funny Oshkosh stories.
Dan Nicoson spoke about his BD-4C project, a fast, 4-seater plane. The 38-min. video was recorded by Bill Elliott and Justin Jones, then edited and posted by Bill on our website under Videos. Comments and questions from the back of the room were difficult to record and hear because of the room’s excessive echo, plus cross-talk from the coffee crowd in the hall. However, Dan’s voice came through fine with the use of a bluetooth lapel mic.
Bill Fluhr was ready to speak, but the meeting ran a little long, so he volunteered to speak next time. Thanks for your patience, Bill. See you next time!
Bill Elliott, 6/12/24
EAA Chapter 187 Meeting 5/11/24
Pres. Justin Jones started the meeting at 10:00 am and made these notes. Sec. Bill Elliott was on a trip.
Justin called for guest introductions, but no new guests were present or wanted to introduce themselves. 17 people attended.
Young Eagles announcements: YE events on 4/6 and 5/4 were both cancelled due to weather but were able to do tower tours. Also did a pre-flight of an airplane for all kids who were present.
Tango Flight news: Tango Flight has shut down this month for the summer, will start again in September, possibly at the new Georgetown school district facility across the street from the airport. Tango Flight has started the empennage for the next RV-12.
Mike Montefusco
Presentation by Mike Montefusco titled Gyrocopters: Letting Air Do The Work! He has an AutoGyro GmbH Calidus. Mike spoke about 1:40. Our amateur video setup could not capture the whole thing, but we hope to get Mike’s pdf about his talk.
You can see a 4 min. YouTube of Mike's autogyro Calidus at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tR35yedyruE
Henry Koenig (14 years old) attended the meeting with his mother. He is an EAA member but wants to sign up as a chapter member. He has been to previous chapter meetings.
Edited by Bill Elliott
April 13th Meeting
President Justin Jones presided at our EAA Chapter 187 Meeting on Saturday, April 13th at 10:00 am at the Georgetown Executive Airport, located at 500 Terminal Dr., Georgetown, TX 78628. 29 people attended, including 3 visitors!
Chapter member, Dick Gossen gave a 57-min. presentation called “Unbelievable Compressions!…and two short stories”.
That video was edited by Bill Elliott and posted in our Videos menu. Look for Gossen-Compressions.mp4 in our Dropbox folder. Thanks to Justin Jones for running the Sony mic, and Dick Gossen for all his help and expertise!
The April 6 YE rally did not happen because of weather. We look forward to the May 4 rally at Georgetown Airport.
The official, detailed minutes are posted in the Members Area.
Ken Matthews recently acquired a partially built Long-EZ kit and moved it to Lago Vista Airport on March 30, 2024, with the help of EAA 187 Chapter members. See this link for photos:
Long-EZ Project
EAA Chapter 187, Minutes & News
GTU, March 9, 2024
President Justin Jones started the meeting at 10:00 am. 27 people attended including one visitor and one new member. [Full minutes are posted in the Members Area.]
We flew 13 youngsters at our March 2 YE Rally!
Our 3 technical counselors presented an hour-long program. Deene Ogden spoke about paint and painting, William Bennett talked about nut plates, and Brian Decker gave a thorough examination of carbon monoxide: its effects on the pilot, how to detect it, and how to find all the places it comes into your cockpit from the exhaust system. You would be surprised at where it gets in. Since the cockpit is usually at slight negative pressure, any leakage from the exhaust system can get entrained from gaps in the cowling into air intakes, any holes, and even at the rudder area! Brian recommended small portable CO detectors, and forget the cheap indicator cards that expire after a short time and don’t tell you ppm anyway.
Bill Elliott recorded a video, while Ken Matthews and Justin Jones assisted with mics. The 57-min. video, titled “Three Technical Counselor Talks” is now posted on our website under the Videos link.
Thanks to our speakers for an interesting program!
Deene Ogden, Paint
William Bennett, Nut Plates
Brian Decker, CO (Carbon Monoxide)
Next Young Eagle Rally is April 6, 2024, at GTU (Georgetown Airport).
Next meeting is April 13 at GTU.
Bill Elliott, Secretary and Newsletter Editor, March 13, 2024
Chapter Meeting & Zoom Talk on the
"Perfect Landing"
Sat, Feb 10, 2024
Pres Justin Jones led the meeting at 10:00 am, attended by 18 folks, including 3 new members, 2 visitors, and the remote speaker. About 7 viewed the Zoom talk from home.
Due to the weather conditions forecasted for Saturday morning, Mike Montefusco was not able to attend the meeting in person to give his presentation on Gyrocopters. But he will come in his gyro sometime and do that in person!
VP Ken Matthews set up a laptop with the TV for Mike to give a good remote presentation on Zoom titled "Perfect Landing-the result of Practice and Precision." The viewing and sound were good on the big TV, and we were able to ask questions and interact for over 1 hr. and 25 min.
Mike sent us a worksheet that he used, linked here:
Traffic Pattern Gates Worksheet
We have 2 new YE videos from Feb 3 by Bill Elliott & Johnny Sublett with "ML" and "TK"! We took 13 youngsters up that day!! See the Videos link at the top of the page to view it.
See our Google Calendar on this website at "Events Calendar." Attend the Car & Plane Show at GTU on Feb 24 (EAA 187 will have a booth). Our next Young Eagle Rally is on March 2, next meeting is March 9!
EAA 187 Minutes, Annual Banquet, 2024-01-13
by Bill Elliott, Secretary, Jan 24, 2024
We met for the annual banquet at Pok-E-Jo’s Smokehouse in Georgetown at about 6 pm. Outgoing Pres Ken Matthews (new VP) and incoming Pres Justin Jones (former VP), presided. We had 43 in attendance, although 49 had said they were coming. But the room was full!
Everyone went through the new serving line and paid cash for a 3% discount. Pok-E-Jo’s now has more side dishes, and everyone got exactly what they wanted. The food was great.
Bill Elliott ran a video slideshow while we ate, a 51-min review of our 2023 activities. Photos by Gayle Unruh, Bill Elliott, and David Hayek, and the video review are available on our Dropbox site
Chapter Service Awards (EAA certificates) were presented to Pres Ken Matthews, Vice Pres Justin Jones, Treasurer Scott Fish, Secretary William R (Bill) Elliott, and Bill Elliott as News Letter Editor. Michael Garel was absent but received the Young Eagle Coordinator Service Award.
Five of our Young Eagle Pilots received snappy navy Young Eagle Pilot caps with Chapter 187 stitched on the side (see photo of David Hayek). They were Jimmy Cox, David Hayek, Patrick O'Malley, Tom Paxson, and Haruko Reese. The other six YE pilots will receive their caps at the next YE rally on Feb 3: Justin Blackburn, Herman Dierks, Michael Garel, Gary Hamilton, Johnny Sublett, and Shane Torgerson. Thanks for your service folks!
Raffle tickets were given out to the crowd, and two gift cards for Sporty’s Pilot Shop were given to Sandra Kilchek and Mark Petrosky. Two Amazon cards were given to Rob Reese and John “Beej” Nunn.
Chapter members are reminded to pay their annual chapter dues for 2024. If you send $35 to Treasurer Scott Fish at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. via PayPal on our website, or by check in the mail, please also notify Secretary Bill Elliott at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you do not renew by the Jan 31 deadline you will be dropped from the email list and the website member registration. Thanks.
EAA 187 Minutes, 2023-12-09
by Bill Elliott, Secretary
Pres Ken Matthews presided, starting at 10:03 am. We had 23 in attendance.
Chapter members are reminded to pay their annual chapter dues for 2024. If you send $35 to Treasurer Scott Fish at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. via PayPal on our website, or by check in the mail, please also notify Secretary Bill Elliott at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you do not renew by the Jan 31 deadline you will be dropped from the email list and the website member registration. Thanks.
Our program was given by Walter and Juanita Boyd, on their aviation navigation app, iFly EFB. Walter spoke for 47 mins and showed slides of how the app functions. iFly EFB is the complete EFB app for Android, iOS and Windows that has all the advanced features pilots want in an intuitive flight planning and navigation application. They also sell their own iFly tablet ($849). Bill Elliott made a video of the talk and worked with them on a final edit for our website, and maybe on YouTube.
See the Videos menu at the top of this page to click on the link to Walter Boyd's talk, iFly-EFB.mp4
Juanita & Walter Boyd of iFly EFB
EAA Chapter Video: Charlie Becker from EAA spoke briefly. There were 5 Hall of Fame inductees. EAA will offer xix January webinars. We could obtain logo name tags from EAA. Chapter renewal is due at the end of December. EAA is closed Dec 25-Jan 1.
The Annual Banquet and Awards Ceremony, will be on our meeting date of Sat, Jan 13. We will not have the morning meeting, only the evening banquet.
You must be a member or a guest of a member to attend the banquet. We are booked for Pok-E-Jo's Smokehouse, Jan 13, 2024, at 6:00 to 8:30 pm! That is at 610 N. Austin Ave., Georgetown, next to House of Gains Gym. Coming N, take the exit to Williams Dr. from I35 just past Hwy 29 (University Ave.), continue nearly to Williams Dr., and turn right into the parking lot just past the KFC, before you get to McDonald's.
Bring cash to get the 3% discount!! There is a tip jar at the cash register. Get your tray from them, pay, then go to the drink area and condiment bar with pickles, white and red onions, jalapeños, etc. They have sodas, sweet tea, and unsweet tea. Go to the banquet room, which is reserved for us, and have fun!
Let Bill Elliott know if you plan to come, and how many are in your party: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This is not a reservation but a headcount for the manager.
We adjourned at 11:10 am. Don’t forget to come to the banquet, Jan 13, 2024, 6:00 to 8:30 pm! And see you at the Feb 3 YE rally!
Young Eagles Rally 2023-12-02
The Peacock family's two boys flew with Shane Torgerson in his Beechcraft Bonanza.
Rich flew with Johnny Sublett in his Bellanca Citabria.
Sophia flew with Patrick O'Malley in a Piper Tomahawk.
We flew 10 young folks on Dec 2, 2023 at Georgetown Airport, and one on Nov 22! See the link to 40 photos below:
Link to Dropbox photos.
Minutes EAA 187 2023-11-11
by Bill Elliott, Secretary
Officers for 2024, below, left to right: David Hayek (board), Scott Fish (continues 2 years as Treasurer), Ken Matthews (new Vice President), Bill Elliott (Sec. continues for one more year), and Justin Jones (new President). See photo of Tom Paxson, the new Membership Coordinator and board member, at the bottom.
Below: The EAA 187 cadre for 2024, besides the officers named above, left to right: Gary Hamilton (board and tool chest), William Bennett in back (technical counselor), and Deene Ogden, far right (flight adviser & technical counselor).
We got word that the GTU terminal was to be closed on Nov 11 for Veterans Day. David Hayek contacted Debbie Jolly at the airport and reminded her of our monthly meeting. So they made arrangements for the terminal building to be open for our chapter meeting, Nov 11 from 10 am to 12 noon. Thanks for doing that David and Debbie.
Pres Ken Matthews presided, starting at 10:04 am. We had 22 people in attendance.
Welcome to new member, Michael Jones!
Young Eagles did not fly on Nov 4 because of a low ceiling and IFR. The next rally will be held on Dec 2.
Annual Banquet and Awards Ceremony, will be on our meeting date of Sat, Jan 13. We will not have the morning meeting, only the evening banquet.
Bill Elliott spoke to the manager at Pok-E-Jo's Smokehouse. She has booked us for Jan 13, 2024, at 6:00 to 8:30 pm! That is at 610 N. Austin Ave., Georgetown, next to House of Gains Gym. Coming N, take the exit to Williams Dr. from I35 just past Hwy 29 (University Ave.), continue nearly to Williams Dr., and turn right into the parking lot just past the KFC, before you get to McDonald's.
Pok-E-Jo's remodeled a few months ago, and they now have a nice serving line like their other stores. They expanded their menu with more veggie side dishes! The plan this year is to go through their regular food line and pay individually. The chapter will not collect your money, but we'll give the manager an approximate headcount.
You can tailor your food this way. Bring cash to get the 3% discount!! There is a tip jar at the cash register. Get your tray from them, pay, then go to the drink area and condiment bar with pickles, white and red onions, jalapeños, etc. They have sodas, sweet tea, and unsweet tea. Go to the banquet room, which is reserved for us, and have fun!
Let Bill Elliott know if you plan to come, and how many are in your party: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
EAA Chapter Video: Charlie Becker. Any YE credits from 2022 will expire soon. Webinar in Nov on YE best practices. Volunteer pins and certificates mentioned. Ray Scholarships: >400 ended up with PPLs. Nov 1-Jan 31 period to apply for next year’s Ray Scholarships. The Ray Foundation put out a $600,000 match to complete the new wing on the EAA museum (Dick Gossen visited it). There are other scholarships too. Nov chapter renewal must include 4 regular officers.
The Liberty Ford Tri-motor (Port Clinton, which came here) is ending its career with the EAA and going back home (this is why we got no reply to our inquiries about getting it to come here again). Tom Paxson said there is a Ford Tri-motor in Lufkin, owned by an EAA chapter.
Officer Reports for 2023:
Vice Pres Justin Jones. 2023 programs.
Jan 14, the annual banquet at Pok-E-Jo’s.
Feb 18, KGTU manager Matthew Summerfield.
March 11, Will Cutter.
April 8, John Mahany give a remote presentation on "Loss of Control in Flight".
June 3, Dick Gossen, “How To Destroy A Perfectly Good Solenoid”.
July 8, Dick Gossen, “Don’t Pull That Cylinder!”
Aug 12, Richard Brown on aircraft detailing.
Sep 9, Dr. Cole Weatherby on AME Answers.
Oct 21, Harrison Baumann, Kitfox Model 7. Gary Hamilton on Baby Ace, Michael Garel on AirVenture 2023.
Nov 11, elections. Bill Fluhr motor mount.
Dec 9, Adventure Pilot company on iFly EFB, a GPS pilot app for iPhone, iPad, Android, and Windows.
Treasurer Scott Fish. EAA187 Treasurer’s Perspective [details are available to paid members only]
The Chapter is in great shape financially, we are active financially. YE. Live Banquet.
Live Meetings. Next Summer Sponsorship of YE Campers.
Active Executive Committee and Volunteers Make it Happen.
President Ken Matthews.
Our Strengths— Chapter meetings, presentations, builders.
YE Program— Michael Garel. Working well with 4 spring and 3 fall rallies.
Secretary— Bill Elliott, minutes, videos, website, email system is reliable.
Board— Strong and active.
Need to work on— adult Eagle flights, pancake breakfasts (we have the equipment), a bigger meeting place. Bill said there is a new GISD technical center being built on Airport Road ½ mi. N of airport. We might meet there and open meetings to students.
We elected Chapter officers for two-year terms starting in 2024 (see photos): David Hayek (board), Scott Fish (Treasurer), Ken Matthews (new Vice President), Bill Elliott (Sec. for one more year), and Justin Jones (new President). Elected but not pictured: Tom Paxson, the new Membership Coordinator and board member. Congratulations to all!
Bill Fluhr from Florida and Cedar Park, TX, gave a show-and-tell presentation about the new motor mount for his fuel-inject VW engine, to go in his project, a Volksplane. He and his son built it. He is building the plane at Breakaway Airport, Cedar Park. He recently got a new throttle quadrant. Photo below.
Deene Ogden saw Bill’s Tony Bingelis book, and mentioned how helpful the 4 Bingelis books still are for builders. Bill Elliott said we are the Tony Bingelis chapter, but we have none of his books in our library. Brad Bellamy said he can donate 2 Bingelis books, and Bill Fluhr can donate his Bingelis books when he is done with his project!
We adjourned at 11:16 am. See you at the Nov 4 and Dec 2 YE rallies. Don’t forget to come to the banquet at Pok-E-Jo's Smokehouse, Jan 13, 2024, 6:00 to 8:30 pm!
Tom Paxson, new Membership Coordinator
Our new Young Eagle Scholars will go to Oshkosh, June/July 2024!
Owen Pike and family.
David Meiners and family.
Minutes EAA 187 2023-10-21
by Bill Elliott, Secretary
Vice Pres Justin Jones presided, starting at 10 am. We had 30 people in attendance, including 11 visitors.
We have embarked on a new educational initiative. With the board’s approval the Sec emailed an application form to 40 Young Eagle families who flew with us in 2023 at Georgetown or Rockdale, to apply for a YE scholarship for their youngsters in 2024. They will attend Young Eagles Camp or Basic Air Academy at EAA in Oshkosh. The deadline was Oct 10. Our Selection Committee (Bill Elliott, Ken Matthews, and Michael Garel) received three applications with essays, and selected two to receive scholarships of $1500 each.
We had three presentations by Harrison Baumann (Kitfox Model 7), Gary Hamilton (Baby Ace project), and Michael Garel (Airventure 2023). Bill Elliott shot videos. We watched the October EAA chapter video by Charlie Becker. The proposed MOSAIC rule was published by FAA in the Federal Register. This rule would open up sport pilot and light sport rules to many popular, faster planes (4 seaters) with a higher stall speed, but a sport pilot would still be limited to one passenger. See https://www.eaa.org/eaa/news-and-publications/eaa-news-and-aviation-news/news/mosic-takes-significant-step-forward
Chapter offices coming up for election on Nov 11 are President, Vice President, Treasurer, and the new Membership Coordinator, who is also a board member. Nominations should be sent to Sec Bill Elliott and Pres Ken Matthews before Nov 11.
We adjourned at 11:25 am.
See you at the Nov 4 and Dec 2 YE rallies. Don’t miss the next meeting, Nov 11!
Aviation Club Awards Two Young Eagle Scholarships
The following article was sent to area newspapers:
Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) Chapter 187 of the greater Austin area met at Georgetown Executive Airport on October 21, 2023, to award scholarships to two young people. They will attend a week-long Young Eagles’ Camp or the Basic Air Academy in June/July 2024, at Oshkosh, Wisconsin. The EAA is based at Whitman Regional Airport in Oshkosh, where the AirVenture airshow and fly-in is held every summer. Chapters are found across many countries.
Owen Pike (13, Georgetown) and David Meiners (12, Austin) are Young Eagles who flew with an experienced pilot at one of the Saturday rallies at Georgetown. These introductory flights are aimed at educating youth in aviation, with possible further involvement in an aviation-related career. The YE flights are free and open to girls and boys of all backgrounds. The youngsters and their families applied for the scholarships, each writing an essay.
David wrote, “The feeling I got as we took off and soared into the clear, blue sky is truly incomparable.
I experienced the incredible thrill of flight through the fantastic Young Eagles program. Ever since, I have aspired to become a pilot and have been regularly attending EAA events. I received Microsoft Flight Simulator, a yoke, and rudder pedals for Christmas and my birthday…”
Owen wrote, “I have been strongly interested in aeronautics for a long time. The Sporty’s ground school has been very informative and has really advanced my level of knowledge to prepare me to pursue a career in aeronautics and aviation. My career aspirations are to become an aeronautical engineer or pilot…”
EAA Chapter 187 meets at 10 am on the first Saturday of each month at Georgetown Executive Airport’s terminal meeting room. Visitors are welcome, and we have many speakers and educational videos. See our web page at https://www.eaa187.org or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
To register for the next two YE rallies (November 4 and December 2) for youth ages 8–17, visit this EAA page: https://www.eaa.org/eaa/youth/free-ye-flights Each event is limited to 10 youngsters.
William R. (Bill) Elliott, EAA 187 Secretary
October 23, 2023
Dr. Cole Weatherby
EAA 187 Meeting, Sept 9, 2023
by Justin Jones (Bill Elliott was absent with Covid)
We had 26 people in attendance. New people: Jimmy Pike (dad) and Owen Pike (son). Owen has taken the Sportys ground school and wants to start flying lessons.
Dr. Cole Weatherby, AME (Aeromedical Examiner) from Austin, gave a one hour presentation, AME.Answers, which he recorded to make a video for our chapter. It was a discussion of medical conditions, medications, and situations that might prevent a pilot from using or getting a medical certificate. There were many good questions, and Bill Elliott helped him edit the video.
We watched the September EAA chapter video.
We discussed the upcoming Young Eagle rallies starting in October, but need to contact the coordinator to get details. Ken and the board later confirmed that we will hold rallies on the first Saturday in October, November, and December. The location probably will be Georgetown (GTU), but that could change.
Ken talked about the chapter officers coming up for election in November (President, Vice President, Treasurer and Open Board Member). Nominations are due at the meeting on October 21.
Note added by Secretary: The board later voted to postpone the next meeting to Sat. Oct. 21 because there will be a nice annular solar eclipse on our scheduled meeting date, Oct. 14, about 10:23 am-1:32 pm. So, get outside and see it with eye protection! See you at the Oct. 7 YE rally and Oct. 21!
EAA 187 Meeting, Aug 12, 2023
We met from 10:00 to 11:00 on Saturday morning, August 12, 2023, at Georgetown Airport’s terminal. Pres. Ken L. Matthews presided. Twenty-six people attended, including 3 visitors.
VP Justin could not attend. Scott brought doughnuts. Brian was applauded as our new, additional Tech Counselor. Darrell talked about Tango Flight, which has built 4 or 5 airplanes over the years. Ed is selling some helicopter and other aviation parts in hangar TT18 at GTU.
Ken and Bill gave some highlights from the July 18 Google Meet board meeting. Ken showed photos of his trip to Airventure in Oshkosh, July 24-30. Several members met up with Ken during the airshow. Michael will share his video of landing at Oshkosh later.
Sec. Bill Elliott took minutes and recorded the speaker, Richard L. Brown, who owns Austin Aircraft Detailing. He travels in the Central Texas area to clean and detail aircraft inside and out. Most jobs are above $300. He discussed the products he uses and his methods, which involve a lot of elbow grease. He advises pilots of maintenance issues he finds on each plane (he is a pilot too). His 18-min. video has been posted on our website. Call him.
William R. Elliott, EAA 187 Secretary, 8/18/2023
EAA 187 Meeting, July 8, 2023
We met from 10:00 to 11:30 on Saturday morning, July 8, 2023, at Georgetown Airport’s terminal. Pres. Ken L. Matthews presided. Twenty-nine people attended, including 3 visitors! At least 8 of the folks are planning on going to Oshkosh/AirVenture July 24-30, and another EAA member from Georgetown is going. [Full minutes are posted in the Members Area.]
VP Justin Jones provided food and drinks again. Sec. Bill Elliott took minutes and recorded the speaker (see photo above). Member Dick Gossen, spoke about “Don’t Pull That Cylinder”. Dick’s 47-min. video has been posted on our website. Good job!
Other News
Our President, Ken L. Matthews, became an EAA Lifetime Member on May 8. Congratulations Ken!!
We received a notice about a medical study that will be done at Airventure. The study involves volunteer pilots taking computerized cognitive tests for four hours. The pay is $300 to $500 depending on the level of medical certification. Payment comes upon completion of the tests. Pilots’ names will not be given to FAA; the study is conducted by a third-party contractor for FAA.
The FAA is looking for 960 participants, and the information gathered during the study will be used to establish a normative dataset representing what is usual or expected in a representative sample of pilots. The outcome of this research will help ensure that FAA processes for aeromedical decision-making are consistent with best clinical practices for aerospace medicine and current scientific knowledge.
Recent Experimental Aircraft Video at Georgetown
Akaso EK7000 mounted on lift strut
Bill Elliott and Johnny Sublett have been doing more tests with Bill's small action cams mounted on Johnny's Bellanca Citabria 150S. Johnny flies Young Eagles in this plane, an excellent sightseeing plane with two tandem seats. On July 3, 2023, we rigged the plane with 2 cameras inside and 1 on the right lift strut. Plus Bill had another small camera on a stick roving inside the cockpit. Audio was recorded from the intercom into a small Sony recorder. The camera mounts were all very stable. Bill edited all this into a 13-min. mp4 video that you can see on Bill's Dropbox at this link:
Flight Over Lake GeorgetownDick Gossen likes aviation solenoids!
EAA 187 Meeting, June 10, 2023
Twenty-nine folks met from 10:00 to 11:30 on Saturday morning, June 10, 2023, at Georgetown Airport.
Pres. Ken Matthews presided. VP Justin Jones provided food and drinks as always. Sec. Bill Elliott took minutes and recorded the meeting on two video cameras (see photo above). We had two members speak at our meeting. Scott Fish spoke about “Experimental Flight Testing” (50 mins.) that he has been doing on his Cozy MKIV plane. There were lots of questions and discussions. Dick Gossen, spoke about “How to destroy a perfectly good solenoid” (28 mins.). Automotive starter solenoids are not built for the prolonged and heavy cranking that an aircraft engine often needs, and will fail in a fairly brief time. Dick also is a UL Power engine dealer, popular on experimental planes. Dick's and Scott’s talks are posted on the members-only area of our website.
Young Eagle Rally, June 3, 2023
Georgetown, Texas Airport
Our 6 pilots flew 9 Young Eagles!
Audry Patterson with Tom Paxson
Caleb Patterson with Patrick O’Malley
Cody Patterson with Haruko Reese
Frankie Lovell with Patrick O’Malley
Jared Chen with Tom Paxson
Luke Halko with Haruko Reese
Sophia Foster with Justin Blackburn
Victoria Foster with David Hayek
William Lovell with David Hayek
Updated 6-14-23: See Justin Jones' and David Hayek's photos!
Meeting on May 13, 2023
Thirteen members met from 10:00 to 11:20 on a rainy Saturday morning at Georgetown Airport. Ken Matthews presided. Our planned speaker could not attend, so our members provided the entertainment. We had food as usual. Sec. Bill Elliott recorded the meeting on two video cameras as an experiment. Gary Hamilton led the Young Eagle pilots on May 6; we flew 10 kids. The radar was out because of a lightning strike the night before, so the tower spaced the planes out. Gary got to visit the tower and discuss the control plan that the controllers used during the radar outage. Bill Bennett talked about an issue that has appeared with cracks around rivets in the horizontal stabilizer in some RV planes, most models except the RV-12. Robert Reese reported on progress with building the plane at Tango Flight, in cooperation with Georgetown ISD. Bill Elliott talked about how to attach small action cameras (GoPro and Akaso) on airplanes. He previewed a video of Johnny Sublett flying a Young Eagle on May 6. We also watched the EAA monthly chapter video.
If you are a paid, registered member, you can see the full minutes with a photo and link to a YE video in the Members Area.
Young Eagle Herbie Love & pilot Johnny Sublett look to the skies!
Young Eagles Rally at GTU, May 6, 2023!
Our latest Young Eagles event was Saturday morning, May 6, 2023, at GTU. Our 4 pilots flew 10 kids, although the cloud deck was a bit low. Most were boy scouts, and troop leader/Mom Deanna Johnson provided us with many great photos. We ran from about 9:15 to 10:45 am.
Thanks to our volunteer pilots: Johnny Sublett [video], Gary Hamilton, Haruko Reese, Shane Torgerson.
Meeting on April 8, 2023
We will hold an in-person EAA Chapter 187 Meeting on Saturday, April 8th, 2023 at 10:00 am at the Georgetown Municipal Airport at 500 Terminal Dr, Georgetown, TX 78628.
We are grateful to have John Mahany give a presentation on "Loss of Control in Flight". John has 45 years experience as a pilot, 43 years as CFI. He's a 7-time Master CFI. Many different makes and models of aircraft flown. Founding member, SAFE (Society of Aviation and Flight Educators), partner of a 1953 CE 180 and owner of a 1970 Cessna 150, both based at KLGB. Experience with FAR 135 & 121 operations as pilot and dispatcher. Involved with FAASTeam as Lead Representative, Long Beach FSDO.
His presentation is on the NTSB's Most Wanted List for 2016, and "Loss of Control In Flight" is #1 on the list. He will be providing his presentation remotely. You can learn more about John and his flying credentials at JohnMahanyCFI.com.
Another Young Eagles Event at GTU, April 1, 2023!
YE photos 2023-04-01
A Photo Collage of 2022-2023 Events
Here's a big collage of EAA and Devil Dog events, contributed by David Hayek. Click on the thumbnail below to see the big picture. 3/22/23
Meeting on March 11, 2023
The minutes have been sent out (see Members Area if you are a paid member). We had Will Cutter from Cutter Aviation to speak about their FBO operations at KGTU, the services they provide, and his experiences running the company. We met at Georgetown Airport terminal building, 10-noon.
If you have not paid your dues for 2023, now is the time to do it, as the new roster will be out soon.
Young Eagles Event at GTU, March 4, 2023!
We are hosting a series of four small YE events this spring, on the first Saturday of the month: March 4, April 1, May 6, and June 3. To pre-register your youngster, ages 8-17, contact our YE Coordinator, Michael Garel, at 512-289-4031, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will fly only 10 kids each day. Let us know!
Our Chapter's History
EAA is a growing and diverse international organization with a wide range of aviation interests. Originally founded in 1953 by a group of people involved in building their own airplanes, through the years it has transformed into a wide group interested in everything aviation.
EAA Chapter 187 is a tight group of folks located in the Greater Austin Metro Area interested in building custom aircraft, flying, aviation, and beyond. We come from a great range of backgrounds, but share a common passion for the skies. We have regular scheduled meetings and events. We engage other events in the area, helping represent EAA and Experimental Aviation. We hold regular Young Eagles rallies, allowing kids age 8-17 to experience their first flights in a small airplane.
Want to find out more? Come join us at one of our regular meetings and introduce yourself. You will find that our members are open, friendly, and have a great deal of interesting things to talk about. Interested in building your airplane? You're in the right spot! We have builders assistance, tools loan programs, first flight assistance and counseling, and much more.
Program for Feb 18, 2023 Meeting
Our meeting room at Georgetown Airport accidentally got scheduled by the airport to someone else on Feb 11. So, we postponed the meeting to Feb 18 at the usual place, 10 am. We will have a speaker, monthly EAA video, news, and reports from members. The library books and videos will be there too.
VP Justin Jones arranged for the KGTU airport manager, Matthew Sommerfeld to speak at our 2/18 meeting about the Georgetown airport and topics related to airport management, including requirements that may be unknown to pilots. He was asked to update us on the airport master plan, airport facilities and aircraft hangers. Justin will be out of town that day. Please come!
New Members & Their Projects
These projects are featured in the Aircraft/Member Aircraft/Current Projects folder. 3/8/23
Jan 14 banquet was a success
Our banquet at Pok-E-Joe's on Jan 14 was lots of fun, with 38 attending for a buffet meal of brisket, sausage, chicken, green salad, potato salad, pinto beans, and peach cobbler. Deene Ogden presented a slide show about Seth Hancock and Tony Bingelis. Chapter awards were given, and we'll try to post a list of them soon. Later, Bill Elliott uploaded 21 banquet photos to his private Dropbox for the chapter to see. Let Bill know if you still need access to those, please (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). See photos below.
Ken Matthews, President, officiated the awards with VP Justin Jones.
Deene Ogden spoke about Tony Bingelis and Seth Hancock.
December 10th Chapter Meeting, No Young Eagles Rally
We met on Saturday, December 10th, 2022 at 10:00 am at the Georgetown Municipal Airport at 500 Terminal Dr, Georgetown, TX 78628.
Because of poor weather (low overcast and rain), our YE Coordinator, Michael Garel, called off our Young Eagles Rally. We will reschedule for another event in the spring. Thanks for watching the weather forecast and coordinating, Michael!
We had some interesting reports from members and visitors. William Bennett demonstrated how our chapter's prop balancer works (it is available to paid members). Mark Petrosky is in a Piper Sport flying club out of Spicewood, and they are looking for more owner-members. It is a 2010 model with autopilot, a very nice light sport aircraft. Also, a Rans S-19 (EAB) is for sale in Conroe, TX for a good price. Contact Mark at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Visitor Frank Carleton took a basic sheet metal course at the McGregor AP, which was very good. Bob Elliott related an incident in June in which a Mooney 201 had to be set down in a field near Kyle. An IFR student was flying under the hood (eyes covered) while the instructor directed. The engine quit and the instructor took command. The plane had some damage but the two men were not hurt. A truck and crane took the plane back to San Marcos Airport, where it was repaired for a breathtaking sum, but insurance paid for it.
There will be no meeting on Sat., Jan. 14, 2023, but don't forget our Chapter Banquet that evening, 6-8 pm, at Pok-E-Joe's BBQ in Georgetown! Bring a spouse, partner, or friend.
Young Eagles Rallies in 2022
In 2022 we held Young Eagles rallies on May 14 and October 22, and we flew a lot of young people for free. Next time we will try and use the meeting room in the terminal building for registration. While you and your kids wait, we will show some entertaining, educational videos about Young Eagles and the basics of flight physics. Watch this space for a new YE event in the spring!
Tango Flight
TangoFlight is a STEM (Science,Technology, Engineering, and Math) program for students at both Georgetown and East View high schools.
The centerpiece of this program has students build a Van's Aircraft RV-12 two-seat Light Sport Aircraft.
EAA Chapter 187 is co-sponsoring this project, providing experienced aircraft builders as mentors for the students. The aircraft is being built on the East View High School campus, with final assembly and operation at Georgetown Municipal Airport.
Funding for the project is primarily from charitable donations.
Visit Tango Flight on the web at tangoflight.org, and follow their Facebook page.
Rockdale Tiger Flight: help us build a Zenith CH-601
Rockdale Tiger Flight is a group organized by several EAA 187 members in Rockdale, TX.
The group is focused on teaching mid- and high-schoolers airplane building skills. We're done with the tail of RV-6, and have switched over to putting together our full kit for Zenith CH-601. We get together every Saturday at 10 AM, and focus on building those airplanes. We also offer weekly Young Eagles rides to kids, subject to weather and aircraft availability.
This weekly event is free to participants, and we are looking for help! Both kids and adults are welcome!
For more information, log on to rockdaletigerflight.org, or check out our Facebook page. If you have questions, contact us.
Mailing List
To subscribe to our mailing list, please send a request to Sec. Bill Elliott at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. You must be a paid member or a recent visitor to the meetings.
Member Roster
To gain access to the member roster, please register. Please provide your real name as it appears on the member roster, otherwise your account will not be approved.