EAA Chapter 187, 14 Dec 2024 

EAA Chapter 187 Monthly Meeting Minutes

February 8, 2025

President Justin Jones opened the meeting at 10:00 AM.

There were 34 in attendance. There were 26 chapter members present.

We welcomed six members of the Civil Air Patrol Apollo Composite Squadron based at Georgetown airport. Lt Colonel Lee Saage, Lt Colonel Sue Kristoffersen, and squadron members Denise White, Jeff Beaulieu, Alexander Hertzler and Christianna White.

Justin also recognized two guests: Adrian Amado and Declan Herbert.



1.      The first Young Eagle Day for 2025 will be March 8 [changed from March 1] at Georgetown.

2.      The chapter will have a spot with table, tents, and information about EAA at the Nichols Car and Airplane show on February 22 at the Georgetown airport.

3.      There are plans to have a fly out after the April monthly meeting with the location yet to be defined. Could go to Rockdale to see the Tiger Flight location with a meal available. More information to come on this. Check your emails.

Members are encouraged to participate in these activities.


The monthly EAA Chapter News video was shown. Each EAA member should have received an email from EAA Chapter News at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Members check your email to view this interesting news video.

Justin introduced Lt Colonel Saage. He gave an interesting presentation on the Civil Air Patrol. Lt. Col. Kristofferson introduced the officers and cadets. A video of the presentation may be posted on the EAA187.org website after the CAP reviews it. 

The two CAP cadets in attendance, White and Hertzler, presented their experience with the CAP organization.

Recognition awards for chapter support for 2024 were presented to Tech Counselors, Brian Decker and William Bennett, and Membership Support, Tom Paxson. They were not able to attend the January banquet.

There was discussion on the Chapter getting a group camp site at this year’s AirVenture. Contact Ken Matthews if interested in participating. Time is short on scheduling this.

 David Hayek 

Chapter187 Secretary


Young Eagles Rally Postponed

This had to be moved because the car & plane show has been moved to March 1, and there will be too much activity and traffic at GTU. See below.


 Next Meeting and YE Rally, March 8, 2025

This is a reminder that we will hold an in-person EAA Chapter 187 Meeting Saturday, March 8th at 10:00 am at the Georgetown Executive Airport, located at 500 Terminal Dr, Georgetown, TX 78628
Light refreshments will be provided. Looking forward to seeing everyone!

We will hold our YE Rally after the March 8 meeting, but we need volunteers!! Please contact Michelle G., our YE Coordinator [see roster].

Michelle G. says, "It's better to move the Young Eagles day from 3/1 to either Sat. 3/8 12 - 4  after the chapter meeting or Sat. 3/15 8 - 12 depending on the availability of the volunteers.

I'll update in the coming days."


Chapter 187 



 The car & plane show has moved to March 1.

YOU MAY REGISTER ONLY AT (or you will be scammed)  
If you have questions on the show email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Banquet Photos 

EAA Chapter 187 Annual Banquet

David Hayek, Secretary


 The 2024 Annual Banquet for Chapter 187 was held at Smokey Mo’s BBQ, Georgetown, on January 10, 2025. President Justin Jones welcomed the 25 members and 9 guests in attendance.

Justin recognized members for their support of the chapter in 2024:

 Dick Gossen was recognized as the MVP, the Most Valuable Presenter for his entertaining presentations during the monthly meetings. Four of Dick’s videos were posted on our website and on YouTube in the “EAA 187 Videos” subscription.

Fidot Fomichev was recognized for his Web Designer support.

Brian Decker, William Bennett, and Deene Ogden were recognized as Technical Counselors for the Chapter.

Tom Paxson was recognized for his work as the new Membership Coordinator.

Michael Garel was recognized for his work as the Young Eagle coordinator for the last three years.

James Cox was recognized for his work at the Rockdale Tiger Flight program, supporting the Scholarship Coordinator role, and his work as a Young Eagles Coordinator with 36 Young Eagle flights from Rockdale.

Bill Elliott was recognized for being our Newsletter Editor, Web Editor, Videographer (recording YE flights and presentations), and his work as the Chapter Secretary. 

Scott Fish was recognized for his work as the Chapter Treasurer.

Ken Mathews was recognized for his work as the Vice President and securing speakers for the monthly meetings.

Justin Jones was recognized for his work as a first-time President of the Chapter.

 We also recognized a First Flight for a new build. The Tangoflight aircraft, an RV-12, N413TF went airborne for the first time on March 1, 2024, with Gary Hamilton at the controls. The aircraft was delivered to its owner, Tony Hahn of Houston on April 25, 2024

The banquet concluded with a raffle for many door prizes! One particular table all got prizes.

Soon after the banquet our new YE Coordinator was announced: Michelle Guardabascio, who joined our chapter a few months ago. She is working on getting current on her certificate after not flying for some years. Members can see her picture in our Members Area/EAA 187 Member Photos of the website (you must login). Congratulations Michelle!

See you all at the regular meeting on Sat, Feb 8, 2025, 10 am at the Georgetown Executive Airport Terminal meeting room. The Civil Air Patrol will present at our meeting!


 EAA 187 Minutes, 14 Dec 2024

William R. (Bill) Elliott, Secretary

The meeting began at 10 am, Justin Jones presiding. There were 27 present, including 5 visitors.

Justin introduced the visitors. There was an update on Tango Flight, which is building an RV-12 over at the Future Ready Complex, part of Georgetown School District.

Alex Bartlett was recruited by Justin to speak for our chapter, by invitation, at the Santa Rita Middle School all day in Feb. He is interested in Young Eagles! He is a new member of EAA 187 this year, and a CFI at Pilot's Choice at GTU. He joined us back in March after the airport event. 

David Hayek is checking with a member couple to possibly serve as YE Coordinators.

We watched the monthly EAA Chapter Video by Charlie Becker, 8 mins. Then we had our speaker.

Ryan Gromfin presented a talk, “Overcoming Builder Fatigue: My RV-10 Project”. This was a lively slide show of how he solved a number of building challenges, including loss of momentum. One must weigh everything in your life against the cost in time and money. But the end result will be a beautiful plane in which he can take his family to wonderful places. The 51-min. talk was shot and edited by Bill Elliott, and is now posted on our website, and will soon be on YouTube in Bill’s “EAA 187 videos” channel. Bill has posted 14 videos there, and some have gotten large numbers of viewers, especially Dick Gossen’s talks.

Ryan Gromfin 

Ryan Gromfin talks about his RV-10 project

We concluded the meeting at 11:23 am, and met outside near the ramp to pose for a group photo with our banner. We last did this two years ago. See the new photo at the top of the Home page.

Thanks everyone!! 

Don't forget our annual banquet on Fri Jan 10, 2025, 7-9 pm, at Smokey Mo's BBQ at Wolf Ranch, Hwy 29 at I35, Georgetown, Texas. Each member pays for his own and his guest's meal. Please notify Pres. Justin Jones of how many in your party. 

Merry Christmas!!


EAA 187 Minutes, 9 Nov 2024

William R. (Bill) Elliott, Secretary

The meeting began at 10 am, Justin Jones presiding. There were 20 members and 1 visitor present.

Short Presentations

William Bennett gave a short talk about firesleeves, and how to make them. They can protect fuel lines, wires, and anything that might be damaged in an engine fire. He showed some nifty little stainless steel clamps that can be applied to the sleeves. Talk to William for details.


Dick Gossen showed slides and told his story about recently flying out to California. He clocked 148 mph TAS in “the fastest RV-12 in the world.” A year ago he installed a 130 hp UL 350 engine, a 4 cylinder boxer. It weighs the same as a Rotax 912. He improved the plane’s aerodynamics by making slick leg fairings, and got a 3 mph improvement. He had a minor problem on one fuel stop, while the oil dipstick was placed temporarily on the wing. He got a phone call, which distracted him from replacing the stick. On the climb-out he noticed a little oil on the windscreen. He returned to the airport to find the dipstick, but it was gone. He plugged the access with something improvised and went home with a 30 mph tailwind at 8000 ft. agl. Later the airport staff found the dipstick on the ramp. Dick turned 80 today!

Officers’ Annual Reports

Bill Elliott is retiring soon as Secretary, and he thanked everyone for their support. His job evolved over 2 years, from a position that was basically unattended to one who communicates with the chapter, takes minutes and attendance, types them up and posts them via our Googlegroups email system, and posts them on our website with photos and videos. He manages our email system and our member registration online. He co-edits the website with Justin Jones and Ken Matthews. Bill expanded his role as communications central and as volunteer videographer. Now it is time for someone to take over the traditional job of communications, records, minutes, rosters (with the Treasurer), while Bill continues as a volunteer in website editing and videography. He provided a document on all this to Pres Justin Jones.

We have 70 current paid members, 2  honorary members, including 11 new in 2024. 12 dropped out in 2024. We got at least 3 new YE members since the March event at GTU, but we have not used them yet. 

Ken Matthews (pictured below looking good) finished one year as VP, after 6 years as President. In reviewing our programs, we have had a large variety of speakers on many subjects, and people enjoy seeing the videos on our website. Ken and Bill will work on putting some of our videos on YouTube. One of Dick Gossen’s videos on the perils of flying to Oshkosh has been seen by FAA in the aftermath of a fatal accident at Airventure this year. Dick was able to provide follow-up notes and recommendations to FAA. Brian Decker may give a talk on oil analysis, and we will have more short presentations like today.

Justin Jones, President (below), is building an RV-12. Chapter 187 started back in the 1970s, and was promoted greatly by Tony Bingelis. Deene Ogden and Brad Bellamy talked about Tony.

Look for “Chapter Officers” and “Chapter Bylaws” in the Chapter 187 box on our home page. In 2011 we worked to get into compliance with IRS and the State of Texas, and we are in good compliance today. Our history is on our website in the form of minutes and old newsletters at the bottom of the Members Area: EAA 187 Archives: Newsletters since 1990. Hangar Tales, Tale Winds (Tailwinds), minutes & news.

We need to elect a new Secretary and a board member to replace outgoing Bill Elliott and Gary Hamilton. We need to find a new YE Coordinator.

Scott Fish, our Treasurer, was working out west in the desert today, but he sent his annual report. We are doing well financially, down a bit since last year. But this year we had more expenses: we sponsored 2 Young Eagles to attend YE Camp in Oshkosh.


David Hayek offered to serve as Secretary for two years, and he was approved unanimously.

Jeff Greinert was voted in as a new board member, in place of Gary Hamilton for 2 years. The Secretary assumes that this includes operating the chapter’s tool collection in the storage unit next to Gary’s hangar, but this needs to be confirmed.


Brian Decker mentioned member Marc Alexander’s Fly, Walk, Eat and Nav Monster.

Tom Paxson mentioned selling rides on the B-15, Devil Dog, on Nov 10-12, for Veterans’ Day.

We concluded the meeting about 11:30 am. Congratulations to the new officers, and thanks to those who are retiring as of the Jan 2025 banquet! 

Next Meeting December 14, 2024

This is a reminder that we will hold an in-person EAA Chapter 187 Meeting next Saturday, December 14, 2024 at 10:00 am at the Georgetown Executive Airport, located at 500 Terminal Dr, Georgetown, TX 78628.

We really need a new YE Coordinator! Volunteers?

As we continue to grow and inspire the aviation community, we need enthusiastic members like you to step into leadership roles within our chapter. We're grateful for everyone who has served and is still willing to serve. The volunteer efforts of everyone, not just the leadership, make our chapter vibrant and exemplary. These 2-year term roles will be determined in next Saturday’s meeting, either by vote or in-person nominations.

How to Apply

If you’re interested in stepping up for one of these roles or would like to learn more about the responsibilities, please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Thank you,

Justin Jones

President, Chapter 187


EAA 187 Minutes & News, 12 Oct 2024

William R. (Bill) Elliott, Secretary

The meeting began at 10 am, Justin Jones presiding. There were 19 present, 12 paid members and 7 visitors, including our 2 speakers.


Bill Fluhr (absent) sent a flyer for the Cedar Park/Breakaway Park Airport/Whippoorwill Fall Picnic on Oct 19, 11am–2pm. Flyer below.

Jimmy Cox (absent) says Rockdale Tiger Flight has room for more youth at the free Saturday program for youth from 9:30 am till 4 pm. They also welcome anyone who wants to help. They are currently fabric covering a wing and working on a Zenith 601 HDS.  They have stalled on their panel, as the people working on it have been busy elsewhere. They are also finishing up the annual on our Clipper and J-3, so they should be flying soon. And they have 8 other projects they can work on when these are done. They meet just about every Sat to work on a plane project and take Young Eagles up.

Tango Flight in Georgetown is building an RV-12 at the Future Ready Complex (high school) just up Airport Road from the airport. Rob and Haruko Reese and Greg Stearman are working with the school. This is their sixth plane. 

Deene Ogden gave a show-and-tell about parts for an RV-12. The voltage regulator runs hot, and when it fails is kind of pricey to replace. But one can build a ventilation cover for it in metal, or make it with a 3D printer. The best result was 3D-printed in carbon fiber.

The meeting was over at 11:30. Check the photos in this link: 

Meeting photos 10-12-2024

Deene Ogden, in green shirt,  showed us two 3D-printed covers for a voltage regulator. The black one is of carbon fiber, and quite heat-resistant. The covers are ventilated to extend the part’s life span.

David Meiners, 13, is one of our YE scholars.  He gave an 11-min. slide talk about his trip to Oshkosh to attend a Young Eagle Air Academy Summer Camp. The video is on our website under Videos. Way to go David!

Our main speaker was Lt. Game Warden Dwayne Havis, here with wife Celeste Lunceford. He told the harrowing story about his controlled crash into Lady Bird Lake, Austin, caused by a turbo fire in his Cessna 206, on a test flight after annual inspection by Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept. Dwayne is a skilled survivor! See his talk in Videos.  

  Rockdale Tiger Flight Meetings

We have room for more youth at our free Saturday program in Rockdale for youth.   We also welcome anyone who want to help.  We are currently fabric covering a wing and working on our Zenith 601 HDS.  We have stalled out on our panel and the people working on it have been busy elsewhere.  We are also finishing up the annual on our Clipper and J-3 so they should be flying soon.  And we have 8 other projects we can work on when these are done.

If you know any youth who would like to get involved in aviation have them look at our FaceBook page  Rockdale Tiger Flight.   We meet every Saturday from 9:30 am till 4 pm. And we can do Young Eagle flights most Saturdays.


Jimmy Cox

Tom Paxson's 1968 Piper PA-28R-180, or Cherokee Arrow, is a four-seat, low-wing aircraft with retractable landing gear and a 180-hp engine. Tom's was in the shop at MC Aircraft, Devine, TX, since March after some hail damage on September 29, 2023. The interior will be updated by the end of October. Congratulations Tom!

See photos: Tom's Piper Arrow

 Sept 14 meeting at Smoky Mo's BBQ 

By Bill Elliott, Secretary

We missed having an August meeting because the GTU terminal meeting room was being used as temporary office space by Cutter during reconstruction of their offices.

Members may read the full minutes in the Members Area of this website. President Justin Jones began the Sept meeting at 10 am. We had 23 folks attending at Smoky Mo’s BBQ, Wolf Ranch Town Center, in Georgetown. We got the meeting room for free, and many of us stayed to have lunch, which the manager appreciated. 

There were 3 visitors, and 2 joined the chapter: Rudy Albachten and Mark Conway. Rudy was our chapter’s Treasurer about 20 years ago; he has an RV6A project. Welcome back!

Rob Reese said that Tango Flight, our group who works with youth building an RV, has moved into the new Future Ready Complex [high school] near Georgetown Airport. The aerospace teacher may look into allowing EAA 187 to hold our meetings there.

Michael Garel has resigned as YE Coordinator, and we may not hold the Oct 5 YE rally unless we get a coordinator. It is a volunteer position.

At the Nov business meeting we will elect a new Secretary to replace Bill Elliott. His two-year term as Secretary is up, but he will continue as the volunteer web editor, librarian, and videographer. Gary Hamilton’s term as a board member also is up, so a new person will be elected. Please let Justin Jones know if you are interested in these jobs, or if you have a suggestion.

We viewed the EAA Chapter Video Magazine by Charlie Becker. New YE software was in beta testing, and became available a few days after our meeting. It will make YE and chapter record-keeping better.

Dick Gossen went to Airventure at Oshkosh. Sadly, a pilot crashed and died 1 mi. from the airport on his way in for a landing, just as Dick predicted would happen when he gave his talk to us on July 13, “The Perils of Endeavor Bridge!” This video is on our website for anyone to see. Dick presented that talk at OSH, and discussed remedies to the crowding of aircraft of different speeds coming into OSH, but there are political and legal issues. This will take time, and probably more accidents, to sort out.

David Hayek reviewed our recent survey of our members by email. Only 25% of the members replied to the survey about what we want to do as a chapter. We may explore the idea of doing a fly-out soon.

Our next meeting will be back at GTU, and our speaker will be Dwayne Havis, who made an emergency landing in Lady Bird Lake, Austin, a couple of years ago. We adjourned for lunch about 11 am.  

Ken Matthews showed us some of his photos from Oshkosh, and discussed Burt Rutan's talk. 

 Ken Matthews showed us his Oshkosh slides


Next meeting Sept. 14 at Smokey Mo's BBQ!! 

We will hold an in-person EAA Chapter 187 Meeting Saturday, Sept. 14th at 10:00 am at Smokey Mo's BBQ, at 1013 W University Ave Suite 310, Georgetown, TX 78628We will meet in the private back room at Smokey Mo's in the Wolf Ranch shopping center at the inter-section of Hwy 29 (W University Ave) and IH35. It's in the SE quarter of the area, near the SE entrance from the southbound access road.

Our regular meeting room at the GTU Terminal building is still not available. We expect it to be ready next month. 

We are soliciting EAA 187 Chapter members to give reports from Oshkosh AirVenture 2024. If you are interested in giving a report about AirVenture, please prepare up to 5 pictures and discuss up to 5 things you learned by attending AirVenture. Please bring images on a USB stick so we can quickly show and copy them.
Please let Ken, Justin, and Bill know if you would like to present so that we can plan accordingly. We are open to focused project reports as well. Tom Paxson may discuss our recent survey of members about a possible fly-out event. 
Light refreshments will be served at the meeting. If you're able, consider staying for lunch after the meeting as a "Thank You" to Smokey Mo's for hosting us. They make good bbq!
It's been 2 months since we've met! We look forward to seeing everyone!
We are in need of a new YE Coordinator--please contact Pres. Justin Jones. 

Buz Landry Obituary

January 31, 1937 - July 9, 2024, age 87

Buz (not "Buzz") was known around town by many as "Mr. Georgetown". Many remember seeing Buz with his ever-present cowboy hat at the Saturday morning coffee group at the Georgetown Airport terminal. He had a long history with the airport and aviation. 

See his obituary for more details. Buz will be missed.

Buz Landry obituary     Buz Landry obit in Sunday Sun

Bill Fluhr's Volksplane pictures and website at


Bill has been working on restoring this homebuilt plane with his sons, Eric, shown here, and Ken. They are fitting it with a nicely rebuilt VW engine. 
Bill & Eric Fluhr with Volksplane, 2017
Picked up in Midland, TX on a very cold day in January, 2017 and trailered to its new home in Cedar Park, TX. 
Here's the updated engine and Sesenich prop, 60 x 32. 
 The long block completed.
The sturdy motor mount, TIG-welded by son Ken.

Article about local Young Eagles 

(August 2024 Cedar Park City Lifestyle)

Click to read about Young Eagles in the magazine 

Johnny and Trevor at YE rallyCover photo: Johnny Sublett and Trevor at YE rally  


EAA Chapter 187 Minutes and News

 Bill Elliott, Secretary, July 13, 2024

Justin Jones opened the meeting at 10 am. We had 29 folks attending, including these 8 visitors: Marc Alexander, James Alwin,  Chris Hamrick, Chris Handwerk, Marvin Hulshizer, Henry Koenig, Kirsten Swain, Ailer Swain, and Lenny Tropiano .

Lenny Tropiano and Marc Alexander joined the chapter after the meeting; they also are members of EAA Chapter 1607, Lake Travis, TX, Rusty Allen Airport, Lago Vista.

Justin showed us the nice Chapter 187 sign made by William & Dyan Bennett for this year’s Airventure at Oshkosh. Members signed the back of the sign.

Greg Stearman, chapter member who also is with Tango Flight, said they will soon move their RV project from Eastview High School to the new Future Ready Center just up Airport Road from GTU. We can contact Peter Dittmer, the technical teacher they are working with, about our chapter participating in aviation events at the school.


Dick Gossen gave a 32-minute presentation, “The Perils of Endeavor Bridge” about flying safely to Oshkosh. Endeavor Bridge is a waypoint and convergence point for planes going into OSH.

Bill Elliott and Justin Jones made a video of his talk, and Bill edited and posted it on our website at https://www.eaa187.org/index.php/videos Dick has some good stories about near collisions in the crowded queue arriving at OSH, and recommendations to avoid problems. Don’t arrive on Sunday afternoon!

Marc Alexander spoke for a few minutes about his “Fly, Walk, Eat” website. One can get discounts at some airports on the way to Oshkosh. Check it out at https://www.flywalkeat.com/

We then watched the monthly EAA Chapter video, given by President Jack Pelton.

We adjourned about 11:00 am. 

Members may read the longer, official minutes in the Members Area of this website.  


EAA Chapter 187, Minutes & News

GTU, June 8, 2024


 Dan Nicoson spoke about his BD-4C project. There was joviality.

 Pres. Justin Jones started the meeting at 10:01 am. Sec. Bill Elliott made these notes.

Justin called for guest introductions. 25 people attended including 5 visitors.

Young Eagles events for 4/6, 5/4, and 6/1 were cancelled due to weather. We will resume YE operations on October 5.

Keep an eye on the Georgetown Future Ready Learning Center, a large, attractive school ½ mi. N from GTU up Airport Road. We hope to get involved in educational events there. They are finishing the interior now.

The Devil Dog B-25 will be doing flights on Father’s Day weekend, June 16, at GTU.

We viewed the EAA chapter video by Charlie Becker.

Tom Paxson talked about going to Oshkosh/Airventure in July. Members told some funny Oshkosh stories.

Dan Nicoson spoke about his BD-4C project, a fast, 4-seater plane. The 38-min. video was recorded by Bill Elliott and Justin Jones, then edited and posted by Bill on our website under Videos. Comments and questions from the back of the room were difficult to record and hear because of the room’s excessive echo, plus cross-talk from the coffee crowd in the hall. However, Dan’s voice came through fine with the use of a bluetooth lapel mic.

Bill Fluhr was ready to speak, but the meeting ran a little long, so he volunteered to speak next time. Thanks for your patience, Bill. See you next time!

 Bill Elliott, 6/12/24


 EAA Chapter 187 Meeting 5/11/24

Pres. Justin Jones started the meeting at 10:00 am and made these notes. Sec. Bill Elliott was on a trip. 

Justin called for guest introductions, but no new guests were present or wanted to introduce themselves. 17 people attended.

Young Eagles announcements: YE events on 4/6 and 5/4 were both cancelled due to weather but were able to do tower tours. Also did a pre-flight of an airplane for all kids who were present.

Tango Flight news: Tango Flight has shut down this month for the summer, will start again in September, possibly at the new Georgetown school district facility across the street from the airport. Tango Flight has started the empennage for the next RV-12.

·      Mike Montefusco

Mike Montefusco

Presentation by Mike Montefusco titled Gyrocopters: Letting Air Do The Work! He has an AutoGyro GmbH Calidus. Mike spoke about 1:40. Our amateur video setup could not capture the whole thing, but we hope to get Mike’s pdf about his talk.

You can see a 4 min. YouTube of Mike's autogyro Calidus at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tR35yedyruE 

Henry Koenig (14 years old) attended the meeting with his mother. He is an EAA member but wants to sign up as a chapter member. He has been to previous chapter meetings. 

Edited by Bill Elliott


April 13th Meeting

President Justin Jones presided at our EAA Chapter 187 Meeting on Saturday, April 13th at 10:00 am at the Georgetown Executive Airport, located at 500 Terminal Dr., Georgetown, TX 78628. 29 people attended, including 3 visitors!

Chapter member, Dick Gossen gave a 57-min. presentation called “Unbelievable Compressions!…and two short stories”. 


That video was edited by Bill Elliott and posted in our Videos menu. Look for Gossen-Compressions.mp4 in our Dropbox folder. Thanks to Justin Jones for running the Sony mic, and Dick Gossen for all his help and expertise! 

The April 6 YE rally did not happen because of weather. We look forward to the May 4 rally at Georgetown Airport.

The official, detailed minutes are posted in the Members Area. 

Ken Matthews recently acquired a partially built Long-EZ kit and moved it to Lago Vista Airport on March 30, 2024, with the help of EAA 187 Chapter members. See this link for photos:  

Long-EZ Project

EAA Chapter 187, Minutes & News

GTU, March 9, 2024

President Justin Jones started the meeting at 10:00 am. 27 people attended including one visitor and one new member. [Full minutes are posted in the Members Area.]

We flew 13 youngsters at our March 2 YE Rally!

Our 3 technical counselors presented an hour-long program. Deene Ogden spoke about paint and painting, William Bennett talked about nut plates, and Brian Decker gave a thorough examination of carbon monoxide: its effects on the pilot, how to detect it, and how to find all the places it comes into your cockpit from the exhaust system. You would be surprised at where it gets in. Since the cockpit is usually at slight negative pressure, any leakage from the exhaust system can get entrained from gaps in the cowling into air intakes, any holes, and even at the rudder area! Brian recommended small portable CO detectors, and forget the cheap indicator cards that expire after a short time and don’t tell you ppm anyway.

Bill Elliott recorded a video, while Ken Matthews and Justin Jones assisted with mics. The 57-min. video, titled “Three Technical Counselor Talks” is now posted on our website under the Videos link.

Thanks to our speakers for an interesting program!

Deene Ogden, Paint

Deene Ogden, Paint

William Bennett, Nut Plates

William Bennett, Nut Plates

Brian Decker, CO (Carbon Monoxide)

Brian Decker, CO (Carbon Monoxide)




Next Young Eagle Rally is April 6, 2024, at GTU (Georgetown Airport).

Next meeting is April 13 at GTU.

Bill Elliott, Secretary and Newsletter Editor, March 13, 2024  

 Chapter Meeting & Zoom Talk on the

"Perfect Landing"

Sat, Feb 10, 2024

Pres Justin Jones led the meeting at 10:00 am, attended by 18 folks, including 3 new members, 2 visitors, and the remote speaker. About 7 viewed the Zoom talk from home. 

Due to the weather conditions forecasted for Saturday morning, Mike Montefusco was not able to attend the meeting in person to give his presentation on Gyrocopters. But he will come in his gyro sometime and do that in person! 

VP Ken Matthews set up a laptop with the TV for Mike to give a good remote presentation on Zoom titled "Perfect Landing-the result of Practice and Precision." The viewing and sound were good on the big TV, and we were able to ask questions and interact for over 1 hr. and 25 min. 

Mike sent us a worksheet that he used, linked here: 

Traffic Pattern Gates Worksheet

We have 2 new YE videos from Feb 3 by Bill Elliott & Johnny Sublett with "ML" and "TK"! We took 13 youngsters up that day!! See the Videos link at the top of the page to view it.  

See our Google Calendar on this website at "Events Calendar." Attend the Car & Plane Show at GTU on Feb 24 (EAA 187 will have a booth). Our next Young Eagle Rally is on March 2, next meeting is March 9!  

 EAA 187 Minutes, Annual Banquet, 2024-01-13

by Bill Elliott, Secretary, Jan 24, 2024

We met for the annual banquet at Pok-E-Jo’s Smokehouse in Georgetown at about 6 pm. Outgoing Pres Ken Matthews (new VP) and incoming Pres Justin Jones (former VP), presided. We had 43 in attendance, although 49 had said they were coming. But the room was full!

Everyone went through the new serving line and paid cash for a 3% discount. Pok-E-Jo’s now has more side dishes, and everyone got exactly what they wanted. The food was great.



Bill Elliott ran a video slideshow while we ate, a 51-min review of our 2023 activities. Photos by Gayle Unruh, Bill Elliott, and David Hayek, and the video review are available on our Dropbox site

Chapter Service Awards (EAA certificates) were presented to Pres Ken Matthews, Vice Pres Justin Jones, Treasurer Scott Fish, Secretary William R (Bill) Elliott, and Bill Elliott as News Letter Editor. Michael Garel was absent but received the Young Eagle Coordinator Service Award.

Five of our Young Eagle Pilots received snappy navy Young Eagle Pilot caps with Chapter 187 stitched on the side (see photo of David Hayek). They were Jimmy Cox, David Hayek, Patrick O'Malley, Tom Paxson, and Haruko Reese. The other six YE pilots will receive their caps at the next YE rally on Feb 3: Justin Blackburn, Herman Dierks, Michael Garel, Gary Hamilton, Johnny Sublett, and Shane Torgerson. Thanks for your service folks!

Raffle tickets were given out to the crowd, and two gift cards for Sporty’s Pilot Shop were given to Sandra Kilchek and Mark Petrosky. Two Amazon cards were given to Rob Reese and John “Beej” Nunn.

Chapter members are reminded to pay their annual chapter dues for 2024. If you send $35 to Treasurer Scott Fish at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. via PayPal on our website, or by check in the mail, please also notify Secretary Bill Elliott at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you do not renew by the Jan 31 deadline you will be dropped from the email list and the website member registration. Thanks. 


Review 2022-2023