After 1 year and 2 months of building an RV-8 Quick Built kit, the airplane was given an Airworthiness Certificate. I never could have done it if not for some key people.
Seth Hancock (Co-Builder), who said while we were building his RV-8A wings that if I would buy a Quick Build kit, he would go full time with me on it if I would help him on his when we got through. His knowledge, skills, and friendship played the major part in getting this RV-8 in the air.
Deene Ogden, who designed the electrical system and tutored me in basic aircraft electrics. His guidance was priceless when I was ready to pull my hair out when a few circuit breakers would pop.
Dick Smith, who is always ready to help builders adorn their aircraft with official lettering. His and Lynn's help speak for themselves on the airplane.
Ernest Woodard, whose expertise and tools came in handy at crucial times.
Francis Poplawski, whose expertise in aircraft painting is without equal.
Thanks, the experience was enriching and the product flies great.